
Mushroom Powder

Mushroom Powder

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Mushroom Protein Powder 250 Gm

per 250 gm

Product details

When it comes to plant-based protein sources, few are as versatile or as praiseworthy as mushrooms. Not only are they a great source of protein, but they're also packed with essential nutrients like vitamin D and iron. If you're looking for a delicious way to add protein to your diet, look no further than govegprotein! This unique brand offers a variety of mushroom-based products that are perfect for anyone looking to improve their health. From protein powders to indian tea time snacks, govegprotein has something for everyone. And best of all, the health benefits of mushroom consumption are well-documented. So why not give govegprotein a try today? You won't be disappointed!

Health Benefits of Oyster Mushroom Powder 

🌿 Immunity booster

🌿 Strengthens bones and joints

🌿 Strengthens the nervous system

🌿 Good source of plant protein

🌿 Heals, repairs and aids in growth of tissues

🌿 Increases BMR and aids rapid in weight loss


Some more Health Benefits of Oyster Mashroom:

🌿 Fat-free.

🌿 Good source of essential minerals and vitamins including niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and thiamine.

🌿 It also has numerous health benefits such as it lowers cholesterol, boosts heart health, better immune function, and improved metabolic health.

🌿 It lowers cholesterol

🌿 Boosts heart health

🌿 Better immune function

🌿 Improved metabolic health



One year from the date of manufacture



100% natural ingredients.

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We follow good manufacturing practices.



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